Saturday, August 20, 2011

To Wish Upon a Magic Card

What is Magic?

That's Magic. Nah, on a serious note, I'm referring to a card game called Magic: The Gathering. I'm an avid player; I run a green/black Infect deck as my main deck. So, my friends and I went to Friday Night Magic last nite to have some fun. I was ready to win. There's only one problem, though; besides Online, I haven't even touched my deck in months. When I made this deck, it was when Scars of Mirrodin was fresh on the market. What does that mean? My deck has a few cards I was using as proxies for other cards. They were usable in my deck, but only served as meatshields.

It was only two cards. So, I thought, "nah, it wont be much of a problem." Boy was I wrong. I drew at least one of them every game. The night ran 5 rounds, 3 games each. Best of 2 won the round. I know it cost me a few victories; I only won 2 rounds last night, and two of the losing rounds were really close. Victory may have been sealed if I had the real cards. So many mistakes I made.

What does all this mean? Nothing, really. When I get really into a game, sometimes my eyes open up and I may pick up a new habit. Anyone ever watch Yu-Gi-Oh!? Yugi was always like "believe in the Heart of the Cards." We laugh at it, but honestly, maybe it's true? I know the order of cards in a deck are random, but sometimes RNG kicks in and you may draw a God hand or draw a trash hand. That's why you gotta wish upon the cards. You gotta believe in the cards.

Perhaps I'm onto something here. Sometimes, people are more successful if they keep up a habit. Maybe they keep a rabbit's foot on them. Maybe they adjust their necklaces and wish. What about me? I think I'll keep a Magic card on me - and wish upon it when I need.

With Regards,


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